Upcoming events around the diocese - October 2023
Wednesday, October 4
Green Mass
The third annual Green Mass, honoring the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the earth, will take place on at 6 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church. The Mass will also be in thanksgiving for environmental groups and organizations for their advocacy in protecting creation. For more information, please call 205-780-3440 or 205-616-3027. The church is located at 1910 19th Street in Ensley.
Friday, October 6
Clean Out for Christ Indoor Yard Sale
The largest yard sale in the Adamsville area is coming to the Raymond J. Murrin Family Life Center once again on St. Patrick Catholic Church's campus. The sale, which will be conducted from Oct. 6-8, will be held in conjunction with the City of Adamsville's 14th Annual City-Wide Yard Sale. The hours of the sale are Friday – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sale will conclude with a huge bargain bonanza of discounts. Proceeds benefit the church and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. For more information, visit www.saintpatrickcc.com. The church is located at 301 Shamrock Trail.
Friday, October 13
Roaring ‘20s
St. Ann Catholic School in Decatur will hold a celebration marking the school’s 20th year at the Spring Avenue location. The event, which will take place at Burningtree Country Club, will feature dinner, live music, and live and silent auctions. Attendees are encouraged to wear 1920s-themed attire. The evening begins at 6 p.m. and concludes at 11 p.m. The country club is located at 2521 Burningtree Drive, Southeast in Decatur. For more information, please contact the school at 256-353-6543.
Saturday, Oct. 14
Liturgical Minister Formation Day
The diocesan Office of Sacred Liturgy will hold a Diocesan Liturgical Minister Formation Day at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church from 8 a.m. until noon. The day will offer new and ongoing liturgical formation for extraordinary ministers of holy Communion and lectors. Both tracks will be offered in English and Spanish. The church is located at 7340 Cahaba Valley Road in Birmingham. For more information, please visit bhmdiocese.org/office-of-sacred-liturgy.
Friday-Sunday, Oct. 20-22
Young Adults Retreat
Casa Maria Retreat House will host a young adults retreat, “By His Cross: Finding consolation through prayer,” with Father Frassati Davis, O.P., as the retreat master. The semi-silent retreat is for men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 and will feature spiritual conferences, prayer, and fellowship. The retreat house is located at 3721 Belmont Road in Irondale. For more information, please contact the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word at 205.317.8787 or retreats@sisterservants.com.
Saturday, October 21
Come and See Day
The Benedictine Sisters invite single Catholic women ages 18-45 to come to Sacred Heart Monastery from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and learn about Benedictine life. Attendees will join the sisters for lunch and supper and pray with the community at Vespers. There will be a tour, and time will be available to speak with individual sisters about what a sister's life is all about. If you plan to come, please e-mail vocations@shmon.org or call/text 205-919-0637. The monastery is located at 916 Convent Road, Northeast in Cullman. For more information, please visit www.shmon.org.
Saturday, October 21
Anniversary Banquet
The Passionists of Holy Cross Province will be hosting an anniversary banquet for the Passionist Communities of Alabama, celebrating 85 years of the order’s presence at Holy Family Catholic Church in Ensley and 80 years at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Fairfield. The banquet will be held in the Holy Family Enrichment Center (gym) located at 2001 19th Street, Ensley, beginning at 3 p.m. A donation of $50 is requested. To RSVP, e-mail ppaxton@passionist.org.
Sunday, October 22
Parish Anniversary celebration
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Gardendale will mark its 30th anniversary of dedication with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Raica at 11 a.m. Following Mass, the Ladies Sodality will hold its annual spaghetti dinner. Family fun, games, and activities will also be held. All current and former parishioners are invited to join in the special day. The church is located at 334 Main Street. For more information, please contact 205-631-9398.
Thursday, October 26
Diocesan Red Mass
The diocese will hold the annual Red Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, beginning at 6 p.m. The Red Mass is a historical tradition within the Catholic Church dating back to the 13th century when it officially opened the term of the court. The cathedral is located at 2120 3rd Avenue, North in Birmingham.
Saturday, October 28
Magnificat Breakfast
The Service Team of Mary, Woman of Faith, Chapter of Magnificat is delighted to invite the women of the diocese to its Magnificat Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St. Elias’ Parish Hall. The speaker, Adrianne Price, is a cradle Catholic who was born in Middletown, Ohio and grew up always loving music. Tickets for the Oct. 28 Magnificat Breakfast are on sale through Oct. 22. A meal ticket is $20 and includes a catered breakfast. Tickets can be purchased online at BirminghamMagnificat.org or by email at magnificat0296@gmail.com. If purchasing a ticket by regular mail, please send a check payable to Magnificat to: Magnificat Tickets, 2744 Aspen Lake Road, Helena, AL 35022 by Oct. 19. Tickets are also available at Alpha Church Supply and Gifts. Tickets for priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters are complimentary, but reservations are still required. No tickets will be sold after Oct. 22 or at the door. Please call or text Lucy at 205-529-0259 if you have ticket questions or would like additional information. St. Elias is located at 836 8th Street South in Birmingham.
Sunday, Oct. 29
Diocesan Confirmation
Bishop Raica will celebrate the diocesan Confirmation Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, beginning at 2 p.m. The cathedral is located at
2120 3rd Avenue, North in Birmingham. To learn more or if interested in participating, please visit bhmdiocese.org/office-of-sacred-liturgy.
Sunday, October 29
Fall Festival
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Pell City will hold its annual Fall Festival, beginning at 4 p.m. on the church grounds. All are welcome. The church is located at 4609 Martin Street, South. For more information, please call 205-525-5161.