
Upcoming events around the diocese - April 2025

April 4-6, Friday-Sunday

Black Catholic Young Adult Listening Sessions

The Office of Black Catholic Ministry for the Diocese of Birmingham will host listening sessions for young adults of the black Catholic community in and around the Birmingham area. The effort will allow young adults to explore their faith and leadership within their Church community. The theme will be, “Where do I fit in?” A meet and greet will take place on Friday from 6-9 p.m. at Our Lady, Queen of the Universe Catholic Church in Birmingham. The church is located at 961 Center Street. The next day, participants will gather at the Chancery office, located at 2121 3rd Avenue, North in downtown Birmingham, for a listening session. Later that same day, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church will host a dialog between young adults and clergy from 5 to 7 p.m. The church is located at 708 1st Street, South. On Sunday, participants will gather at Holy Family Catholic Church for a closing Mass at 9 a.m. followed by a brunch. The church is located at 1910 19th Street, Ensley. For more information, please e-mail jwatts@bhmdiocese.org. To register, please visit bit.ly/41k2oGn

Saturday-Sunday, April 5-6

Bloomin' Festival

The 41st annual Bloomin’ Festival Arts and Crafts Fair will be held on the campus of St. Bernard Abbey from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, with an admission donation of $10 (children 12 and under free). More than 150 booths will be filled with artists demonstrating and exhibiting their unique handcrafted work. The festival serves as the largest annual fundraiser for the operation and maintenance of St. Bernard Preparatory School. St. Bernard’s monks will be there as well to sell their famous homemade bread and cookies. For more information, visit bloominfestival.com or call 256.739.6682. The abbey is located at 1600 St. Bernard Drive, Southeast in Cullman. 

Wednesday, April 9

An evening with Sarah Hart

St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Huntsville will be hosting Sarah Hart for a special concert from 7-8:30 p.m. to raise funds for the Holy Family Capital Campaign. Hart is a well-known composer, musician, singer, and producer of Catholic music. She is a Grammy nominee for Best Gospel Song (“Better Than a Hallelujah”) and a multi-award winner with the Association of Catholic Publishers. Tickets will go on sale March 3 and will be limited to 500. The cost is $25 per person, and children under 18 are free. The church is located at 2300 Beasley Avenue. For more information, please call 256.534.8459.

Saturday, April 12

100th anniversary

St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Wylam will mark its 100th anniversary of dedication with a Mass at 10 a.m. celebrated by Bishop Raica.

Sunday, April 13

Palm Sunday

Tuesday, April 15

Chrism Mass

Bishop Raica will celebrate the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul at 10:30 a.m. During the Mass, the bishop will consecrate the sacred oils to be used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick, and holy orders. Additionally, priests of the diocese will gather at this Mass to renew their priestly promises, showing their fidelity to their bishop and to Christ. 

Thursday, April 17

Rest in peace, Bishop Foley

The seventh anniversary of Bishop David E. Foley’s death. He was installed as the Diocese of Birmingham’s third bishop on May 13, 1994, and retired on May 10, 2005. May he rest in peace.

Thursday, April 17

Holy Thursday   

Friday, April 18

Good Friday

Saturday, April 19

Easter basket blessing

The Cathedral of St. Paul will hold Swieconka (Blessing of the Baskets) at 9 a.m. with Bishop Raica. Swieconka (sh-vee-en-soon-kah) is one of the most enduring and beloved Polish traditions. Baskets containing a sampling of Easter foods are brought to church to be blessed on Holy Saturday. The basket is traditionally lined with a white linen or lace napkin and decorated with sprigs of boxwood (bukszpan), the typical Easter evergreen. This food is shared on Easter morning in a ritual breaking of the fast. For more information, please e-mail krista@stpaulsbhm.org. The cathedral is located at 2120 3rd Avenue, North in Birmingham.

Saturday, April 19

Holy Saturday

Sunday, April 20

Easter Sunday

Friday-Saturday, April 25-26

St. Elias Lebanese Food and Cultural Festival

St. Elias Maronite Catholic Church in Birmingham will celebrate its 27th annual Lebanese Food and Cultural Festival from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on both days. Admission is free to the festival which will feature homemade Lebanese food, traditional Lebanese dancing demonstrations by the youth, a silent auction, informative church tours, and live music. The church donates 25 percent of the proceeds to local and national charities. The church is located at 836 8th Street, South. For more information, please visit stelias.org.