Planning underway for July 4th Festival
Our Lady of Sorrows (OLS) Trash 'n' Treasure volunteers who will take part in the parish's Independence Day celebration are getting ready for their busy season. About 50 people turned out for a patriotic-themed casual dinner and door prizes on April 20. They received thanks, instructions, and words of encouragement from Knights of Columbus Council 4304 Grand Knight Clark Tucker and Trash 'n' Treasure chair Melanie Falconer. The Knights of Columbus members are key to organizing the festival. The team looks forward to welcoming more volunteers - teens, women, and men - as they set up shelving and other equipment before donations begin rolling in. Donations will be accepted at the gym starting Memorial Day weekend. Items must be in working order and clothing must be clean and free of stains. Items not accepted include large appliances, pianos, tube TVs, sofa beds, mattresses and box springs, cribs, encyclopedias and textbooks, and armoires. People throughout the Birmingham area look forward to the hospitality of the OLS festival, the food, the games, and the bargains that Trash 'n' Treasure provides.