Parish holds workday for upcoming festival
On May 18, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (OLS) in Homewood hosted volunteers, led by the Knights of Columbus, in preparation for the parish’s 75th Fourth of July Festival, which is the Birmingham area’s oldest. The volunteers prepared the gym for the Trash & Treasure rummage sale which is a major feature of the event. Among other projects, the team – including the OLS Boy Scout Troop – set up a huge shelving system that will hold thousands of bargain items. The Trash & Treasure will take place on July 4 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The next day will feature a half-price sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The July 4 festival is a team effort organized by the Knights to benefit the school and various charitable endeavors. More volunteers are needed before and during the festival. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Melanie Falconer, chair of Trash & Treasure, at Items for the Trash & Treasure sale are also still being accepted. Items that are clean and in working order can include: toys, tools, shoes, electronics, and small appliances. Furniture donations should be dropped off at the parking deck. Broken and non-working items, mattresses, expired car seats, cribs, sleeper sofas, pianos, large appliances, encyclopedias, and tube TVs cannot be accepted. The church is located at 1728 Oxmoor Rd. across the street from the Homewood Public Library.