
Local school alumna receives scholarship

A Prince of Peace Catholic Church parishioner and a Prince of Peace School alumna, Fin Unnoppet, won a 2024 Alabama State Kouncil of the Auxiliary Ladies of Columbus (ASKAL) scholarship! Two $750 scholarships are awarded annually by the ASKAL to Catholic women pursuing higher education. Unnoppet will graduate with an advanced diploma, honors, and a 4.27 GPA from Helena High School this month then head to Auburn University in the fall, majoring in biomedical sciences/pre-med pathway and double minoring in studio art and Asian studies. During her time at Prince of Peace, Unnoppet was active in the youth group and a volunteer with the Food for Our Journey ministry which prepares meals for the homeless. Pictured are Karen Mouser, Ladies Auxiliary President Susan Flick, Fin Unnoppet, Father John Fallon, ASKAL President Lois Mores, Nop Unnoppet, Sonya Unnoppet, and Beck Unnoppet.