Fish, Bingo, and dollars
Grand Knight Nick Bertella of St. Francis Xavier Knights of Columbus Council #10064 announced that fund-raising efforts will make contributions in support of its Catholic mission. The council partnered with the St. Francis Xavier School eighth-grade class in two fish fry Bingo nights. From the combined efforts, the grade school will receive $800 and two diocesan seminarians will receive $500 each. The events were held at the parish hall with 260 dinners being served and many staying for Bingo. The Knights cooked and the eighth graders served the dinners. Grand Knight Bertella went on to announce that two BBQ meat sales of Boston Butts, ribs, and chickens, along with fish fry proceeds, have provided $2,700 to the eighth-grade class and $2,000 to two seminarians at the Pontifical College Josephinum.