| By Kristin Sessions

Honoring St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney

Supporting Seminarian Education

As we approach the feast of St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney, we remember his tireless devotion to the priesthood and his unwavering commitment to his parishioners. St. John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests, serves as an inspiration for all priests and calls us to renew our dedication to those men in formation to become priests in our diocese.

The path to priesthood is a journey of faith and extensive formation. For seminarians, this seven-year journey forms them into men of Christ, preparing them for a lifetime of service to God and His people. 

On July 27, we will begin the Novena to St. John Vianney, praying for the dedicated priests who currently serve in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama, for the seminarians in formation for priesthood, and for more holy priests to serve here. The novena may be found on the diocesan website, bhmdiocese.org.

As we seek the intercession of St. John Vianney, we are presented once again, with an opportunity to support our seminarians in a tangible way through donations to the Seminarian Education Fund. Your support, either by online donations or the second collection taken in parishes the weekend of Aug. 3-4, invests in future priests to carry on pastoral care, evangelization, and service. Let us, therefore, take this opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the Church in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.

Together, we can affirm our commitment to the priesthood and ensure that the light of St. John Vianney’s devotion continues to shine brightly in the hearts and minds of our seminarians.  Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you abundantly for your support.

Want to help our future priests?

  • Give generously to the St. John Vianney Seminarian Education Fund second collection in your parish the weekend of Aug. 3-4.
  • Make a one-time or recurring donation to the Seminarian Education Fund here or visit bhmdiocese.org/vocations.
  • Contact the Diocese of Birmingham’s Finance Office at 205.838.8322 to speak about estate planning or stock donations to the Seminarian Education Fund.

Kristin Sessions is the coordinator of Vocations Ministry for the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.