‘Proclaim His Word by your lives’
On Jan. 26, Bishop Raica celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, marking Sunday of the Word of God, which is observed on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Mass also marked the final group Mass for those attending the National Catholic Office for the Deaf’s Pastoral Week. The group traveled to Birmingham to hold their annual conference. Bishop Raica is the episcopal moderator for the office’s Board of Directors. The complete text of the bishop’s homily follows herein.
On Jan. 26, Bishop Raica celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, marking Sunday of the Word of God, which is observed on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. The Mass also marked the final group Mass for those attending the National Catholic Office for the Deaf’s Pastoral Week. The group traveled to Birmingham to hold their annual conference. Bishop Raica is the episcopal moderator for the office’s Board of Directors. The complete text of the bishop’s homily follows herein.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today, on this Word of God Sunday, we gather as a broad faith community united by the Spirit to celebrate the living Word that reveals the very mystery of God present among us. Our readings today are a profound tapestry, weaving together a variety of ideas that inspire us.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, declared: “The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study, and dissemination of the Word of God. This Sunday of the Word of God will thus be a fitting part of that time of year when we are encouraged to strengthen our bonds with the Jewish people and to pray for Christian unity.” (cf. Pope Francis, motu proprio "Aperuit illis," September 30, 2019) Thus, we recall that these sacred writings have a hidden dynamism that reminds us of the power of God’s Word to us; how we receive it; how we welcome it in our lives; and how it can transform us into becoming more ourselves as part of God’s dream for us.
Here at the Cathedral of St. Paul, we want to ensure the Word of God is proclaimed and cherished by all. We want all to hear and see this Word, to incorporate it in our hearts and to live it in our lives.
The power of the Word
There is a power in the Word of God. It can transform us. That power is so strong that in some areas of our world, the Word of God in Scripture is forbidden. It cannot be printed, disseminated in any form, or proclaimed in public places. Believing Christians memorized the Scriptures and the Psalms. I sometimes think to myself: “How much of the Word of God do I know? How do I cherish it? What if God had revealed only some words to us or even one Word to us? How would we cherish those Words or that Word?” During Mass, before we receive Holy Communion, we say, “But only say the Word and my soul shall be healed.” The healing of our wounds and hearts need only hear “the Word” to be healed.
In our first reading from Nehemiah, we see the power of God’s Word on the people of Israel gathered as one body. They listened attentively as Ezra proclaims the Word of God. It says, “He opened the scroll so all the people might see it.” He was not saying his words, but those words found written on the scroll. These are God’s words that are reverenced and proclaimed seriously for all to hear. Did you notice their response? It says, “For all the people were weeping as they heard the words of the Law.” (cf. Neh 8:9) They were waiting to hear it, to see it proclaimed, and rejoiced for having heard it. Ezra and Nehemiah remind them, "Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength.” (cf. Neh 8:10) This scene echoes the reality that the Word of God is not just words on a page; rather, it is life-giving and transformative. It can soften the hardest heart. It calls us to unity, to a deeper awareness of God’s presence. God is near and we can see and hear these words whenever we gather together.
The psalm reinforces this truth, proclaiming, "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul... The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.” (cf. Ps 19:8, 9) Refreshing and rejoicing are two beautiful attributes that help us acknowledge the power of God’s law - God’s word to us. Not bound by time, the Word of God impacts us powerfully, echoing through history and reaching us in our own time. It can be soothing and can console us in our sadness. It can heal our hurts and wounds. It can help us look beyond. It can challenge our hardness of heart. Today, is a great day to rejoice in the gift of God’s Word, recognizing its power to refresh us, guide us, and inspire us. For this we treasure and honor God’s Word in our liturgical books and in our proclamation.
Unity in diversity: The Body of Christ
St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians invite us to see the Body of Christ as diverse but united. "The body is not a single part, but many,” (cf. I Cor 12:14) St .Paul writes. Each one of us, with our unique gifts, is indispensable to the Body of Christ. This truth resonates in our time as we seek to join together as people of faith.
We also give thanks this week for the people served by the pastoral ministers from the National Catholic Office for the Deaf and all who serve in ministry to the deaf and hard of hearing. I give them a particular shout out today because, as part of the Body of Christ, they witness to us their fidelity to be part of Christ’s Body. While hearing God’s Holy Word may not always be possible, seeing the words interpreted in signs allows the Word to enter us through other senses. God’s Word is proclaimed in ways that are understandable in the language of this unique and fascinating community. Today, we ask ourselves, “How is the Word of God accessible to all?” The Word of God, “sharper than a two-edged sword,” (cf. Heb 4:12) must be proclaimed in season and out of season, with creativity and compassion, so that all may see, hear, and understand. The Word of God is not merely there in a closed book on a shelf waiting to be opened. It is there silently waiting to become alive when it is read in contemplation or proclaimed in sacred assembly. It must become part of our lives.
The fulfillment of Scripture
In our Gospel, we add on the themes offered by Nehemiah and St. Paul. Here, too, Jesus, like Ezra, “opens the scroll” in the presence of the community and reads so all can hear it. Jesus then declares, "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” (cf. Lk 4:21) All that is said becomes an event that has been remembered by the Evangelist Luke and written for us to recall as well. This bold proclamation reminds us that the Word of God is not confined to the past; it is alive and active in the present. Scripture is fulfilled when we proclaim it in our languages so all can understand. Scripture is fulfilled when we live it, making it accessible to those around us that this is true! This is possible! This is real! Like Jesus, we are called to “bring glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, and sight to the blind.” (cf. Lk 4:18) This mission is at the heart of the Jubilee Year of Hope—a time of renewal, reconciliation, and restoration.
Proclaiming the Word with gratitude
As we reflect on the readings, we are invited to deepen and widen our gratitude for the Word of God and for those who dedicate their lives to its proclamation. To my brother priests and deacons, religious women and men, and lay ministers, especially those in the deaf and hard of hearing community, thank you for your tireless efforts to bring the Gospel to life in ways that are increasingly understood and embraced by all. Your work reflects the heart of Christ, Who came to reveal God’s love to all people.
A Call to action
Finally, I urge you [to not] forget to read the Word of God in Holy Scripture. By allowing it to take root in our hearts and allowing it to shape our thoughts and ideas, we will proclaim the Word of God with authenticity. Whether in your families, workplaces, or communities, let our words and actions be a living testimony to God’s Word in your lives. As St. Paul reminds us, "You are Christ’s body.” (cf. I Cor 12:27) We are the hands, eyes, ears, and feet of Christ, carrying His message to the ends of the earth.
On this Word of God Sunday, we recommit ourselves to the joyful task of sharing Good News. Yesterday, we celebrated the conversion of St. Paul when he was struck by the words of Christ and changed his life. Today, we recall Saints Timothy and Titus, whose pastoral letters remind us “how from childhood you have been acquainted with the Sacred Writings which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (cf. 2 Tim 3:15) May we, like Ezra, proclaim it boldly with clarity; like the psalmist, rejoice in its truth and be refreshed by it; like St. Paul, celebrate our unity with all our diversity; and like Jesus, embody its fulfillment in our lives; like Sts. Timothy and Titus, know this Word as a teaching guide; and like Mary, cherish it in our hearts. May God bless you all with peace as you proclaim His Word by your lives. Amen.