Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church celebrates 31 years of perpetual adoration
Perpetual eucharistic adoration flourishes at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (OLS) as the parish celebrates the 31st anniversary of the devotion. Parishioners gathered on Aug. 19 to mark the occasion. The celebration began at the Chapel of Our Savior with Father Bob Sullivan, pastor, carrying the monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament in a procession to the church. Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 4304 acted as honor guards. In the church, benediction was followed by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Hundreds of red roses representing each committed adorer were displayed as were white roses representing those who died during the 31 years, including four who passed away since the last anniversary. Father Sullivan thanked the adorers and urged everyone to maintain reverence for the Real Presence of our Lord.
After Mass, committed adorers, substitutes, and families dined on a catered appreciation dinner in the churchā€™s life center. They were joined by Father Sullivan, and all listened to the testimonies of three adorers.
In 1981, Pope John Paul II established perpetual eucharistic adoration at St. Peterā€™s Basilica and urged parishes to do the same. OLS is one of the few chapels that live streams adoration. The chapel had many visitors during the past year from other parishes, other Alabama cities, other states, and from abroad. During the Mass, several blue notebooks were placed on the altar containing the names and petitions of chapel visitors.
Under the guidance of Msgr. Martin M. Muller, perpetual adoration at OLS was founded on Aug. 15, 1992, by the late Mary Claire Brouillette and the late Ida Wilker.