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‘Not just another table’

Bishop Raica blesses chapel’s new altar

On June 15, Resurrection Catholic Chapel’s administrator, Deacon Rick Chenault, Sr., and an overflow crowd of parishioners warmly welcomed Bishop Raica for the blessing of the chapel’s new altar. Even after the Mass had begun, dozens continued arriving filling the vestibule with folding chairs. Most certainly, having the bishop say Mass at one’s parish is special. Of course, having the bishop present for the seldom-seen blessing of an altar, which is commonly done when a church is being dedicated, is not to be missed.

During his sermon, Bishop Raica expressed his “great joy” to be with the faithful. “You may be a small, rural parish, but you are very enthusiastic,” the bishop exclaimed. As he continued, Bishop Raica explained that the dedication and blessing of a new altar is a reminder “that at the very center of our faith is Christ crucified and risen” Who invites us to “know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life so that we can be with Him in the next.”

He went on to detail that during the blessing, Chrism Oil is used to anoint the altar. As the same oil used for baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, the oil sets the altar aside for sacred purposes. “It is not just another table,” said the bishop, “It is the altar of sacrifice whereby the bread and wine become truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus right before our eyes.”

Following Mass, the faithful gathered with the bishop in the chapel’s parish hall for a potluck dinner.


The chapel

Resurrection Catholic Chapel is located in Moulton about 20 miles west of Decatur. The thriving Catholic community consists of English and Spanish speakers. A staggering 145 children were registered in the chapel’s religious education program this past school year with 44 receiving their First Communion in the spring.

Helping Deacon Chenault are Deacon Bob Catanach, the director of evangelization, and three Reparatrix Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Sisters Cecilia S. Corpus, Teresa E. Perol, and Marynell Morris. To learn more about the chapel, please visit