Lent: Prayer, Fasting, and Acts of Charity
On Feb. 23, Bishop Steven Raica released the Lenten episode of his Grace & Peace video series. The complete text of his remarks follows herein.
On Feb. 23, Bishop Steven Raica released the Lenten episode of his Grace & Peace video series. The complete text of his remarks follows herein.
My friends in Christ, grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philemon 3)
The liturgical season of Lent is such an important time for all of us. It calls all believers to repentance, a change of heart with the view of leaving behind the things that drag us down and refocus our gaze on the saving mystery of Christ. Through living our lives, we are often distracted by so many things that tug at us, wanting to tear us away from the communion we have with Christ and His Church, the Body of Christ.
So, through the time-honored program of prayer, fasting, and works of charity or mercy, we begin to acknowledge once again that Jesus is Lord.
Through prayer, we open ourselves up to a conversation with God – through adoration, through contrition of sins, through thanksgiving for blessings received, and through supplication for our needs and remembrances.
Through fasting, we hone our own hungers and thirsts to things that are beyond. Perhaps to catch a glimpse of God’s dream for us.
Through works of charity and mercy, we acknowledge that we are part of a wider family of brothers and sisters which cares for each other in their need because we are part of one humanity created in God’s image and likeness. Thus, through our stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, we acknowledge the presence of God with us, accompanying us on this incredible journey.
As we re-commit ourselves as disciples of Jesus, may we experience through our Lenten observance a renewal that will bring us to celebrate with even greater joy, Christ’s glorious resurrection this Easter! May God bless you all!