‘For the least of these, we speak’
On Jan. 18, Bishop Raica celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, marking the local observance of the sanctity of human life. The complete text of the bishop’s homily follows herein.
On Jan. 18, Bishop Raica celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul, marking the local observance of the sanctity of human life. The complete text of the bishop’s homily follows herein.
My brothers and sisters, I thank you for your presence today. You have come from near and far and it is very touching to me personally to see how we pray for and give vibrant witness to this very precious gift of life, given to us by God.
Yes, today here in the Diocese of Birmingham we, along with people of all faith backgrounds or of no particular faith, stand boldly together as witnesses to the sanctity of life, proclaiming the beauty, dignity, and sacredness of every human being. We pray for the “legal protection of unborn children.” Every year, we gather first and foremost in prayer, thanking God for blessings received through our earnest intercession to protect life. How many lives have already been saved from the evil of the abortion industry! We also implore our Lord to open hearts to hear the Lord’s whispers calling all to witness the Gospel of Life and eschew the culture of death in matters both large and small.
Our readings today inspire and equip us for this holy mission. In Hebrews, we are reminded that “the Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12) God’s Word pierces through the lies, rhetoric, and confusion of our time, revealing His truth about life. In Psalm 19, we hear that God’s commandments are “more precious than gold,” (Psalm 19:10) guiding us to cherish His gift of life. And in Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus reaching out to sinners and tax collectors, proclaiming that He came “not to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) Today, Christ calls each of us to defend the vulnerable and be a voice – even a lone voice - for those who cannot speak for themselves.
The challenge of being pro-life
We live in a time when being pro-life is not only counter-cultural but often misunderstood or mischaracterized. The secular world frames the debate in terms of choice and convenience, ignoring the profound truth that every life—from conception to natural death—is an ineffable gift from God. As Pope Francis reminds us, “To defend the unborn is to affirm the inviolable worth of every human life.” And we do so today! Yet, we face challenges:
1. Cultural pressures: Society often prioritizes personal autonomy over moral responsibility. Pope St. John Paul II warned us in Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) of the “culture of death” that sneakily devalues life. Rather, it values efficiency and utility over the human dignity of every person. For us, however, in every life there is the spark and glimpse of the divine, not merely a clump of meaningless cells that we can manipulate according to our whims.
2. Economic hardships: Many women, and indeed many families, face overwhelming financial and social pressures that make choosing life increasingly impossible. Facts are withheld so that informed decisions cannot be made. Pregnancy centers offered as an alternative to abortion are threatened and attacked physically or through lawfare. Alternatives do not see the light of day so that really only one choice is promoted as the only and best solution (i.e., getting rid of a problem). As Mother Teresa said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”
3. Political and legal barriers: While laws protecting life are critical, they are under constant threat. We still have our work cut out for us. Pope Benedict XVI urged us to recognize that “where the right to life is denied, all other rights are threatened.” We see this in many countries that have legalized abortion: in short order, euthanasia follows. Then, those who are disabled and deformed and those lacking intelligence or awareness are in the crosshairs of those who want to rid the world of those who are not useful anymore to society. We must remain vigilant because just as a law can be passed in one administration or legislative session, which gives us reason to hope, it can be easily undone in the next. Our challenge is not to yell the loudest, but to seek the transformation of hearts so that the gift of life for all can be embraced freely and totally, making abortion, or even the consideration of it, unthinkable.
The higher ground: Our call as Christians
Despite these challenges, we are called to stand on higher ground. Our faith compels us to:
1. Proclaim truth with love: Speak boldly about the sanctity of life, but always with compassion. The letter to the Hebrews reminds us that Christ understands our weaknesses and calls us to extend His mercy to others because we have a high priest Who sympathizes with our weaknesses. (cf. Heb 4:15) We must always hate the sin, not the sinner.
2. Support mothers and families: Being pro-life is not just about opposing abortion; it’s about creating a culture, a way of life, where life is celebrated, defended, and supported. This means advocating for policies and ministries that provide practical help to women in crisis pregnancies. In means “walking with moms in need.” It means listening with open ears, minds, and hearts. It means accompanying those who are struggling and building support systems so that life can be protected and cherished.
3. Pray and act: Our beautiful Psalm 19 reminds us to let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to God. Prayer fuels our actions, and actions amplify our prayers.
A story of hope
Today, there are many stories of men and women who have come to appreciate the value of life, even after some tragic mistakes. Our doors should always be open. Project Rachel has accompanied those who’ve experienced an abortion and want to come to terms with its ravaging emotional and spiritual impact.
By further extension, and as I have mentioned in the past, my own mother, who is now 98, would have been a perfect candidate for abortion. She was born with one arm - a genetic flaw. Without her, I would not be born. With her, [I am here] today with all of you to speak about the joy and hope I have in my heart. I thank my grandmother for the gift of my mom. We should support one another, especially those who are born with disabilities or flaws. They, too, are an immense gift of God to humankind. There is a ripple effect for choosing life: one act of love has the power to change generations.
Takeaways for 2025
As we move forward, here are three takeaways that we commit to for the protection of the unborn in 2025:
1. Educate: Share the truth about life with others, especially young people. They are the enthusiastic people of the future today. The choices they make, the ideals they espouse can be an edifying source of great hope for a society that protects and cherishes all life.
2. Advocate: Support pro-life policies and organizations that defend the unborn and help mothers by writing to those representatives and senators who represent us.
3. Pray without ceasing: Pray for the unborn, for their mothers, and for the conversion of hearts in our society. Pray also for the Lord to crack open the hearts and minds of those entrenched in the abortion industry. One experience or event can awaken someone [not only] to a new way of thinking [but also] to muster the courage to leave behind huge profits, thinking that they are “helping someone.” [They can] boldly embark on a new way of life itself.
Pope Francis said, “Human life is sacred and inviolable. Every civil right is based on the recognition of the first and fundamental right, the right to life.” May we live out this truth with courage and love, trusting that God will bless our efforts.
Today we echo the prayer of the Psalmist in Psalm 19: “Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:15) We are the hands and feet of Christ, defending the least among us while proclaiming the Gospel of Life with every breath we take - for the least of these, we speak! May God bless you all! Amen.