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Ladies Auxiliary celebrates silver anniversary

After the culmination of months of planning, the St. Patrick Ladies Auxiliary of Knights of Columbus Council 10567 celebrated 25 years of sisterhood and service on Sunday, April 21.

The evening began with the celebration of the Mass at 4 p.m. with beautiful music provided by Pam Ganus and the choir. 

After Mass, everyone congregated in the St. Joseph Hall for beverages and assorted cheeses and crackers. Photos were displayed on the wall in slideshow format reflecting the many years of memories of the Ladies in action. From past Lenten Days of Service to Springfests, the many Rosaries at the Grotto, and many more memorable events, more than 700 photos were shared during this time. Everyone enjoyed relaxing and just visiting during this hour of social time.

Current Ladies Auxiliary President Margaret Pender opened the evening by welcoming everyone to the celebration. She introduced Betty Balcom, chaplain, who led the group in a special prayer of thanksgiving. Father Anthony Weis, pastor of St. Patrick’s in Adamsville, led everyone in blessing the food. 

Dinner service began with a wonderful menu of Chicken Florentine, orzo pasta, green beans and classic salad with almonds and honey balsamic dressing prepared and served up by Cafe Iz Catering. Delicious rolls and cheesecake bites topped off the menu.

Pender invited everyone to continue with their meal and introduced Joan Marks, the first president of the organization. Marks shared the journey that established the organization where women could collaborate with other women, share activities and prayers, and serve each other and the parish. She spoke of her research that revealed that there were many Ladies Auxiliary organizations in Alabama and of her thankfulness for being able to use them as a model for forming the group at St. Patrick. Marks shared an overview of the activities undertaken in that first year of the organization that began in April 1999. It was a wonderful trip down memory lane.

The evening continued with a video "scrapbook" of 25 years of memories following by a video depicting the 17 beautiful faces of those who served in the Ladies Auxiliary and had been called to their eternal home.

There were many representatives of the Knights of Columbus Council 10567 present for this momentous occasion. Knight Anthony Brooklere, who led the effort of commemorating this event, was introduced. He shared a framed photo representing a gift from the Knights depicting a professionally landscaped area around the beautiful grotto. Following his presentation, Grand Knight Jeffrey Blanchard read a proclamation issued by the organization commending the Auxiliary for their 25 years of service.

Ann Tulloss read a special message from our dear Sister Maura Sampson from Ireland. Pender graciously acknowledged her committee members who spent months of planning and days of preparation for this special night. She then called on all charter members to stand and be recognized. Overall, it was a beautiful night of fellowship and memories.