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 | By The Most Reverend Steven J. Raica, Fifth Bishop of Birmingham in Alabama

Gratitude, enthusiasm, and confidence

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, how fortunate we all are to be in this beautiful and growing diocese!

Our parishes and schools are thriving and growing. A record number of men are studying for the priesthood and permanent diaconate. Streams of adults and youth are entering into the faith and encountering Christ in the Eucharist in parishes across our diocese. We have a vibrant array of dedicated priests, deacons, men and women religious, ministries, and apostolates serving our devoted lay faithful, a broad ecumenical population centered on Jesus Christ, and scores thirsty for new life in Him.

All of this paints a remarkable picture of where we are and what we are being called to do to continue to increase the faith of all in our region. As we answer that call, a wonderful passage from Pope St. John Paul II’s Apostolic letter, “Novo Millennio Ineunte,” guides our way forward: “Remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence: ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.’” (Heb 13:8)

Remember the past with gratitude

Remember from when and where we came. Thank God for all the people, choices, deeds of good, and those which missed the mark that have brought each of us to where we are today, in this very moment.

Live the present with enthusiasm

Jesus said, “Do not be afraid.” Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive.” These words, to each of us, are true and powerful, even as modern culture treats them as incomprehensible. Great joy can be reborn in taking these words to heart each day and putting them into action.

Look forward to the future with confidence

Jesus shows us that we have all the tools required. Opportunity to use those tools abounds before us, right before our eyes. And He, Himself, through His actions, set a plan for us to follow as we move ahead. Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of how Jesus entered each new town. First, He attended to the fundamental needs of the people. He fed them. He healed them. He loved them. Only after doing those things did He begin to teach them. He revealed the Kingdom of God. He shared with them the Good News.

And today, in central and northern Alabama, we follow in His sacred footsteps.

Providing aid for those in need and healing minds, hearts, and spirits - this is at the core of the work of so many of our parishes and of diocesan-wide ministries made possible by generosity to our parishes and to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for Catholic Charities and Communities.

Sacramental preparation, lifelong Catholic formation and accompaniment, Catholic education – again, as the daily work at the local level of our parishes and schools, joined together in a network and systems by our diocesan organizations. 

I ask you to be part of that work through your support of the Annual Appeal for Catholic Charities and Communities. Our ability to address the fundamental needs of the people of our diocese, wherever they are, and support our parishes and schools in Catholic formation depend greatly on your generosity. 

Thank you for your commitment and confidence in the beautiful and growing diocese granted to our stewardship by our Lord!