‘The all-embracing motherhood of Our Lady’
At different moments throughout college, I was asked if I would be a religious sister. I was always quick to say, “Not me!” I would always encourage them to speak to my friends and roommates who I thought were more suited for religious life, but the seed was planted. As my senior year of college began, I was confident that I had a perfect plan for my immediate future.
At different moments throughout college, I was asked if I would be a religious sister. I was always quick to say, “Not me!” I would always encourage them to speak to my friends and roommates who I thought were more suited for religious life, but the seed was planted. As my senior year of college began, I was confident that I had a perfect plan for my immediate future.
However, when the door closed in the months before graduation, I realized that I had to start asking the Lord what His plan was for my life, instead of telling Him what my plan was. I remember asking the Lord how I could give Him a Fiat. While serving at a retreat alongside the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, founded in 1990 by Mother Adela Galindo, I saw their generosity, attentiveness, and joy, and I asked the Lord if He was calling me to give Him my Fiat as a religious sister.
I began a time of discernment and of asking fundamental questions while sitting before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Each fundamental answer led to a deeper conviction in my heart that He was calling me to belong totally to Him. Each encounter that I had with the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary helped me to understand that their Marian charism would help the seed of my vocation to grow. The Lord affirmed this conviction when in prayer, He brought me back to Isaiah 41:9: “You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away.” What had begun as a closed door at the end of my senior year of college has led to the greatest joy of living the all-embracing motherhood of Our Lady by giving God all of my life for the rest of my life.