Advent 2024
‘A time to appreciate what God is doing for us’
‘A time to appreciate what God is doing for us’
On Nov. 20, the bishop recorded the 54th installment of his video series, Grace & Peace. The complete text of the recording follows herein.
On Nov. 20, the bishop recorded the 54th installment of his video series, Grace & Peace. The complete text of the recording follows herein.
My sisters and brothers, grace and peace to you all. The coming of Christ is heralded in a variety of ways and throughout our faith tradition. Various figures underscore the specialness of Christ's coming. These are figures like Isaiah and the prophets, John the Baptist, the Archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would bear a son, and Mary herself who offers Christ to a waiting world.
Then at Christmas, we have the heavenly host singing, “Glory to God in the highest,” as the shepherds were watching their flocks by night.
Even the phenomenon of the skies - a star guided the magi to the place where Jesus lay. All of these figures and events pointed the way to Christ or pointed Him out when He came. As we commence our Advent season this year, perhaps we can think about who guided you to Christ. How did you come to know about the Messiah, the Savior?
Was it a word? Was it the witness of a person of faith? Was it something you read? Was it an event of nature that prompted you to look beyond? Was it an event in your life? A funeral? A wedding? Baptism? Tender words of forgiveness in confession? Or perhaps it was the powerful moment when we received the Body and Blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
He is right here - right before my eyes - always inviting me forward. Advent is that grace-filled moment when we can say, “Think about what expectations I have regarding the coming of a Savior in my life and in our world.” And for that, we can say thank you to those who have brought us just a little closer, or those who have opened our eyes or cracked our hearts a little bit wider to welcome the One we have been waiting for our whole life.
May this Advent season help us to appreciate what God is doing for us. I think I'll spend some of this time as I write out my Christmas cards, saying thanks to God; one for the very gift of life and two for the people and experiences I've had that bring me closer, awaken my eyes, and open my heart to the presence of Christ our Savior.
He is coming to us, our Emmanuel, God with us. May God bless you all.