A whole lot of good in a whole lot of places’
I came back into the Church in 1989, after a 13-year “sabbatical.”
I came back into the Church in 1989, after a 13-year “sabbatical.”
Not long after returning to the Catholic Church, I landed in Birmingham. Getting involved in parish life, I soon learned about the annual Catholic Charities drive for the diocese. My first thought was that all monies I would give to the “charities” drive would go to pay for projects having to do with the corporal works of mercy — feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and so on. You know … charity.
Not long after returning to the Catholic Church, I landed in Birmingham. Getting involved in parish life, I soon learned about the annual Catholic Charities drive for the diocese. My first thought was that all monies I would give to the “charities” drive would go to pay for projects having to do with the corporal works of mercy — feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and so on. You know … charity.
However, at some point in time, I was made aware that the works supported by Catholic Charities and Communities encompass a much broader scope than I had initially realized. Have you ever attended one of the diocesan men’s or women’s conferences? Catholic Charities and Communities helped make that happen. How about one of the quarterly luncheons with nationally known speakers? Catholic Charities and Communities. Have you, or one of your kids, ever been on the March for Life bus trip to D.C.? Catholic Charities and Communities helps with that, too.
As the director of the Office of Evangelization, I believe the primary function of the office is to help Catholics better understand their faith — and not just the what of the Faith, but also the why. I could go on and on about how to accomplish that goal, but suffice it to say, your support of Catholic Charities and Communities does a whole lot of good in a whole lot of places.
Gifts and pledges to Catholic Charities and Communities can be made at any time online, by mail, or by dropping your pledge card in a parish collection. Please visit catholiccharitiesbhm.org for more information or to make your pledge or gift.