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Go and invite everyone to the banquet (cf. Mt 22:9)

World Mission Sunday 2024

Since 1922, four societies - the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, the Missionary Childhood Association, and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious - have been defined as the Pontifical Mission Societies, meaning they are “official instruments of the pope and of the universal Catholic Church.” The societies form a worldwide network of service that supports missions and young churches.

Locally, the Diocese of Birmingham supports two of the four societies: the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Missionary Childhood Association. As such, on Oct. 20, the diocese will partake in World Mission Sunday, which falls under the Society of the Propagation of the Faith.

The society’s origins can be traced back to a Frenchwoman, Pauline Marie Jaricot, who organized small groups to offer daily prayer and a small weekly monetary sacrifice for the Church’s worldwide missionary work. The very first collection of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith was held in 1822.

Over a hundred years later in 1926, Pope Pius XI instituted World Mission Sunday with the goal of providing an avenue for the entire Church to help those dioceses throughout the world unable to sustain themselves. The support translates into pastoral and evangelistic programs, catechists and catechetical work, the building of new churches, health care, education, communication, and transport needs.

The theme for this year’s World Mission Sunday was taken from the parable of the wedding banquet in the Gospel of Matthew. Explaining the theme, Pope Francis wrote: “The king, the main character in the story, tells his servants: ‘Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ (v. 9) Reflecting on this key passage in the context of the parable and of Jesus’ own life, we can discern several important aspects of evangelization… I take this opportunity to thank all those missionaries who, in response to Christ’s call, have left everything behind to go far from their homeland and bring the Good News to places where people have not yet received it, or received it only recently. Dear friends, your generous dedication is a tangible expression of your commitment to the mission ad gentes that Jesus entrusted to His disciples: ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.’” (Mt 28:19)

Undoubtedly, we are all called to be missionary disciples; therefore, we are all called to offer our own witness to the Gospel, as the pope pointed out, “in every context.” While we all may not be called to the “front lines” of missionary work, we are required to commit ourselves to the mission.

Your gift helps support:

38,140 seminarians

8,750 shelters and orphanages

12,000 health centers

844,000 catechists

258,540 religious sisters

Want to help?

On the weekend Oct.19-20, the Diocese of Birmingham will hold a second collection at each parish to support the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Donations can also be made on by scanning the QR code below. For more information, please e-mail