Warm and Inviting
Bishop Raica Blesses New Catholic Family Services Location in Huntsville
Bishop Raica Blesses New Catholic Family Services Location in Huntsville
On Sept. 29, Bishop Steven Raica traveled to Huntsville to bless the new location of Catholic Family Services Huntsville. The new space, 4920 Corporate Drive, Suite J, boasts 4 offices for the staff, a waiting room, and a break room. Before the blessing, Cathie McDaniel, director, gave the bishop a tour, during which he commented how “warm and inviting” they had made the office space. Following the tour, the bishop blessed each office and common area with Holy Water then enjoyed some refreshments with the staff, Cathie McDaniel, Cathy Altonji, Louis Rafferty, and volunteer Hispanic counselor Isabel Oliveras. To learn more about Catholic Family Services, visit cfsbhm.org.