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Vocations Office announces summer assignments for seminarians

With the beginning of summer the Diocese of Birmingham assigned seminarians to either serve the diocesan faithful or to take part in Spanish immersion in Mexico. The Vocations Office recently announced the assignments.

John Gardiner, Hunter Limbaugh, John Paul Stepnowski, and Andrew Vickery will participate in Spanish Immersion at Seminario Hispano in Mexico City. Please pray for these men as they travel and participate in this 8-week immersion program.

Deacon Max Gallegos has been assigned to Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Homewood for his diaconate experience. Father Bob Sullivan is hosting the new deacon.

Collins Hess and Joshua Callahan have both been assigned St. Francis of Assisi University Parish in Tuscaloosa. Father Tom Ackerman is hosting the two seminarians.

Adam Sellers has been assigned to St. Francis Xavier Parish in Birmingham with Father Joe Culotta as the host.

Justin Brouillette has been assigned to Our Lady of the Lake in Pell City. Father Bill Lucas is hosting the seminarian.

Patrick Letterle has been assigned to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Gardendale with Fr. Wyman Vintson, Vicar for Vocations, as the host.

Billy Moin and Franz Mercado have been assigned to Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Anniston. Father John McDonald is hosting the men.

Francisco Rodriguez has been assigned to St. Thomas Parish in Montevallo with Father Brad Jantz as the host.

Ross Gilliland has been assigned to St. John the Baptist Parish in Madison. Father Bryan Lowe is hosting the seminarian.

Thomas Rogers has been assigned to St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Birmingham with Father Justin Ward as the host.

Nick Smith has been assigned to St. Joseph Parish in Florence. Father Jonathan Howell is hosting.

Cameron Huhlein has been assigned to Holy Spirit Parish in Huntsville with Father Mike Mac Mahon as host.

Michael Masny has been assigned as a Totus Tuus missionary. As a team member, Masny will travel to different parishes throughout the diocese providing a fun catechetical experience while offering authentic Catholic teaching.

Please keep all the seminarians in your prayers this summer.