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The vocation and service of Catholic education

Schools Office holds formation day

Each year, the Catholic Schools Office sets a theme to build community and align focused efforts for each school year. The theme for the 2023-2024 year, “Peace Be with You,” emphasizes vocation and service with this year focused on reflection on the vocation of Catholic educator and developing student understanding of the commitment that comes with a chosen vocation for life. The service aspect emphasizes the great service our schools provide for and with our communities and the service of all our stakeholders to our schools.

On Sept. 15, 441 Catholic school educators in the Diocese of Birmingham came together for the annual Catholic Schools Formation Day. Centered around the Catholic Schools Office theme of “Peace Be with You,” educators participated in a full day of professional and spiritual development. The day began with Mass, concelebrated by Bishop Steven Raica and Father Jon Chalmers, president of John Carroll Catholic High School and pastor of Prince of Peace Catholic School.

The keynote address, titled “Lessons Learned and Perspectives Gained, Remembering Why God Called Us,” was led by George Valadie and highlighted the vocation of Catholic educator. Valadie is a retired Catholic educator having served for 44 years as a Catholic school teacher and leader in Mississippi and Tennessee. He is now a writer and public speaker for Catholic schools and dioceses.

Underscoring the service of others to our schools, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Margaret Dubose presented the first awards from two new endowments: the Faith in Education Endowment and the Msgr. Michael F. Sexton Continuing Education Endowment. The Msgr. Michael F. Sexton Continuing Education Endowment provides annual scholarships for professional staff in diocesan Catholic schools who wish to continue their education or pursue advanced degrees, and the Faith in Education Endowment is a financial and spiritual commitment to help our schools advance the mission of Catholic education for years to come with the purpose of assisting schools from the diocesan level to address priority needs or to advance programming in areas that may be outside the established school budget or that occur due to an unplanned need.

Following lunch with time for adoration and confession, participants attended their choice of workshop sessions led by fellow teachers and partner organizations. The workshop presentations covered a range of topics focusing on the professional formation of our faith, academics, student wellness, and technology.

The educators in attendance, overall, found the day to be impactful, enjoying the time to collaborate with their colleagues from across the diocese and being affirmed in their vocation as Catholic educators.