Vocation is an Adventure
When I was a non-practicing Catholic, I was searching for happiness. In July of 1990, God, the Father, had mercy on me, leading me to a retreat called Cursillo in Venezuela, my home country. It was at Cursillo that my conversion began — from not going to Mass to attending every day.
When I was a non-practicing Catholic, I was searching for happiness. In July of 1990, God, the Father, had mercy on me, leading me to a retreat called Cursillo in Venezuela, my home country. It was at Cursillo that my conversion began — from not going to Mass to attending every day.
One day, I went to the airport to pick up the founder of the Cursillos in Venezuela, Father Cesario Gil Atrio, whose canonization was opened in Caracas in 2020. When we arrived at his home, he asked me,
“Do you know to what vocation God is calling you? Is it marriage? Is it priesthood? If you want to know, give me a call!” After a few days, I called Father Cesareo. Under his guidance, I discerned my vocation, ending the relationship with my girlfriend and entering seminary in 1992.
I was ordained to the priesthood on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dec. 12, 1998. While in prostration at my ordination, I asked God to grant me the grace to be faithful to Him until my last breath. In 2005, I was sent to serve pastorally in the United States. After being exposed to the mass, legal slaughter of unborn babies, I experienced the urgent call of God, the Father, to defend life from conception to natural death and to serve in the healing of those affected by abortion. Since then, I have tried to answer this call to defend, serve, and love life through the means God has made available to me. For the past three years, I have been serving my brothers and sisters, especially Hispanics, in the Diocese of Birmingham.
As a priest, I enjoy the celebration of the Eucharist, the sacrament of reconciliation, and helping others discern the will of God. Please pray for me and may God bless you.
Father Victor Salomon - Parochial vicar at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Tuscaloosa