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Time, Talent, and Treasure

Bishop David E. Foley Benefactors Society Inducts New Members

The evening of Sept. 15 was special for members of the Bishop David E. Foley Benefactors Society for St. John Paul II Catholic High School (JPII). The evening began with Mass celebrated by Bishop Steven J. Raica and concelebrated by Father Bryan Lowe. The JPII Broken and Shared student liturgical choir enhanced the group’s time together through their special talents.

Following Mass, Dr. Jeremiah Russell, headmaster, inducted three couples into the society and Bishop Raica presented them with blessed benefactor pins. Suzanne and Stephen Boyer, Gail and Scott Gilley, along with Pam Bourque and Max Patin all pledged firm support to JPII through time, talent, and a yearly financial commitment.


Russell invites those who are associated with St. John Paul II Catholic High School and who meet the criteria to join with the founders of the school as benefactors. In 2012, a Founders Society was formed by those who originally began Catholic High School. In 2014, the founders voted to extend the society to a Benefactors Society and formed a charter and criteria. The society meets twice a year, fall and spring, and inducts new members in conjunction with their fall Mass and meeting.

The group has accomplished much and has gifted the school over x since it began. As the song says, “Great things happen when God mixes with man.”