Students meet to discuss Catholic identity
The Catholic Schools Office in collaboration with the Mission & Catholic Identity Committee of the Diocesan Advisory Council for Catholic Education welcomed representatives of the Catholic Identity Student Council to the Chancery to meet with Superintendent Margaret Dubose. On Thursday, April 11, student representatives from Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School, Holy Spirit Catholic High School, John Carroll Catholic High School, and St. John Paul II Catholic High School met with Dubose to discuss the ongoing work of the student council.
Students presented ideas and implementation plans in areas of concentration that the students identified earlier in the school year. Topics included student engagement with the faith, Theology of the Body and health, student led organizations and opportunities, and student orientation and mentoring. Students attended Mass at the Cathedral of St. Paul and spent time learning from each other and sharing their experiences as high school students in Catholic schools.
The council is made up of students from all high school grade levels ensuring a variety of perspectives. Each school council reflects the overall student body of their school. The council is an initiative started by the superintendent to incorporate student voice into the ongoing strategic plan work of the Catholic Schools Office and the Diocesan Advisory Council for Catholic Education.