Seven Intentions Offered for Blessed Mother’s Intercession
The Blessed Virgin Mary was honored by parishioners of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (OLS) in Homewood at their traditional May Crowning. During the devotion on May 1 at the start of the 8:30 a.m. Mass, members of the Knights of Columbus Council 4304 served as honor guard and a procession of more than130 men, women, and children entered the church carrying fresh flowers and singing “Bring Flowers of the Rarest.” The blossoms were placed at a side altar devoted to Mary, venerating her as the mother of Jesus Christ and the Church. The statue of Mary was crowned with a wreath of white roses. The Marian altar was incensed by the celebrant, OLS associate pastor, Father Frankline Fomukong. He pointed out that OLS is consecrated to Mother Mary and her seven sorrows, and he led the congregation in a special prayer containing seven intentions for the world. The intentions included: peace (especially between Russia and Ukraine); peace, justice, and mercy in the United States and Alabama; family life; all people of OLS, especially the sick or those in need of God’s mercy; the intentions of the Holy Father, bishops, priests, religious men and women; and for an increase in vocations. Seven candles were lit from the Paschal candle. The candles were placed among the flowers by congregants including a Knight of Columbus, a mother, a father, and a child.