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‘At peace in the presence of Jesus’

Holy Spirit Church in Huntsville builds new perpetual adoration chapel

Beginning on Feb. 7, 1986, with three hundred committed adorers under the guidance of Father Donald J. Grainger, perpetual eucharistic adoration has been an integral part of Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Huntsville for 36 years. Support for perpetual adoration continued under pastors Msgr. Michael Sexton, Father Louis Giardino, and Father Michael Mac Mahon.

The chapel has endured natural disaster and pandemic. When a tornado struck Huntsville in November of 1989, every building of Holy Spirit Parish and School were damaged. At the time, there were two people in perpetual eucharistic adoration. Miraculously, when the tornado struck, the adorers were not harmed, and the Blessed Sacrament remained unbroken. Holy Spirit found a way to continue perpetual adoration at temporary locations until the chapel reopened.

In March of 2020, with the pandemic looming, the small chapel was closed to the public over health safety concerns. This prompted Father Mac Mahon and the adoration committee to begin planning a new and larger chapel to meet the needs of our growing Catholic community. In the meantime, Father Mac Mahon, Father Howell, and later Father Altonji, remained dedicated to offering daily adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the parish church.

On the 35th anniversary of perpetual adoration at Holy Spirit, Father Mac Mahon, with the blessing of Bishop Raica, began construction of the new chapel, and on March 23, 2021, Bishop Steven Raica blessed the ground for the new chapel.

Following the blessing, Father Mac Mahon, Father Howell, and architect and Holy Spirit parishioner, William Boehme, joined Bishop Raica, in the breaking of ground for the new chapel. In early June 2022, chapel construction was completed, and the inaugural Mass, presided by Father Kevin Bazzel, was held on June 26. Following a beautiful Mass and eucharistic procession transferring the Blessed Sacrament to the new chapel, perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament resumed at Holy Spirit Parish, bringing much joy to the many adorers of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Father Mac Mahon is proud of the parishioners and friends of our adoration chapel who pledged and contributed towards the construction and furnishings; many often asking, “What more can I do?” The Catholic community is sincerely thankful for Father Mac Mahon’s continued support, devotion, and strong commitment to this important ministry. Together, we have built a beautiful chapel where we can be at peace in the presence of Jesus and with one another.

The chapel is dedicated to all adorers and pastors, past and present, who have faithfully sustained perpetual eucharistic adoration over this time, and to those yet to come.