Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
It is said that, about 120 years ago, Polish coal miners who resided in the northern part of St. Clair County began offering their homes as places of worship. At the turn of the century, those living in the area were ministered to by Jesuit priests from Selma, but the faithful were soon turned over to the care of the Diocese of Mobile as a station of Sacred Heart Parish in Anniston. Pell City maintained that status until 1935, when Father Paul Klich of Our Lady of Sorrows in Birmingham began serving St. Clair Catholics.
It is said that, about 120 years ago, Polish coal miners who resided in the northern part of St. Clair County began offering their homes as places of worship. At the turn of the century, those living in the area were ministered to by Jesuit priests from Selma, but the faithful were soon turned over to the care of the Diocese of Mobile as a station of Sacred Heart Parish in Anniston. Pell City maintained that status until 1935, when Father Paul Klich of Our Lady of Sorrows in Birmingham began serving St. Clair Catholics.
In the 1960s, Logan Martin Lake became a hot spot for tourism and new residents looking to enjoy lake living. With the influx of new Catholics, Archbishop Thomas J. Toolen approved the construction of a church. More than two years would pass, however, before the dedication would take place. In the interim, the faithful attended Mass at the Coosa Valley Telephone Company building in Pell City under the care of Father Robert J. Bauler, pastor of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Catholic Church in Leeds.
On Aug. 18, 1970, Bishop Joseph G. Vath, the First Bishop of Birmingham, dedicated Our Lady of the Lake with Father Bauler concelebrating. Six years later, Father Matthew Brennan was appointed pastor. During his time at the parish, the parish hall was built and dedicated. Following Father Brennan’s tenure, Fathers James F. O’Rielly and John Owen, respectively, would also serve as pastor.
In 1988, after Father Owen’s retirement, Father Charles J. Kennedy was named pastor, but he unexpectedly passed away three years later. Called out of retirement, Msgr. Francis J. Wade stepped in to serve the parish community. When failing health prevented him from ministering to the faithful as he wished, Father Gregory T. Bittner, then Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Birmingham, stepped in as pastor in the early part of 1993.
Under Father Bittner’s leadership, the parish made several additions, including a stained-glass window and a Marian grotto. It was also during Father Bittner’s tenure that the parish marked its 25th anniversary. In 1998, Father Bittner was reassigned and Father Brennan returned, leading the congregation through a building expansion and addition. The project increased the church’s seating capacity from 150 to 320 and added eight classrooms.
In 2000, a parishioner, Terrance Rumore, was ordained to the permanent diaconate and appointed to serve alongside Father Brennan. Four years later, the Emerald Isle seemed to be calling back her native son, and Our Lady of the Lake’s faithful shepherd retired in July of 2004. His successor was Father Jose Maliekal, M.S.F.S.
Three years later, Father Maliekal was reassigned. The parish then welcomed Msgr. Michael Sexton as their new pastor on July 7, 2007. The priest’s gentle, sincere demeanor and faithfulness endeared him to the parishioners. He would go on to serve the parish for 11 years. During that time, the parish welcomed Deacon Serge Brazzaloto and Deacon Lee Robinson to assist Deacon Rumore in ministering to the faithful.
Having served the diocese for over 50 years, Msgr. Sexton retired from priestly ministry in 2018. Taking his place was the current pastor, Father Bill Lucas. Not long after his appointment, plans were made to build a columbarium and a new parish hall; however, the COVID-19 pandemic put a halt to the parish’s intended expansion. During the nationwide shutdown, the parish marked its 50th anniversary with Bishop Emeritus Robert Baker on Sept. 13, 2021.
Never losing sight of the need for a columbarium, the parish, in March of this year, welcomed Bishop Steven Raica not only to dedicate its new columbarium but also to bless its striking new bell tower, which is a sign of the impressive and steadfast faith of the Catholics in St. Clair County.