OLS Plans for July 4th Festival
Trash and Treasure Team Reunites
Trash and Treasure Team Reunites
Excitement is in the air at Our Lady of Sorrows Church (OLS) as parishioners gear up for their annual Independence Day festival. It will be held on July 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on church grounds, 1728 Oxmoor Road in Homewood. Knights of Columbus Council 4304 is coordinating the event. The charitable fundraiser will include barbeque and the popular Trash and Treasure rummage sale. Even though the sale was not available during the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the volunteers and their families got together on May 16 at a potluck dinner meeting.
Trash and Treasure chairman Melanie Falconer said the team is happy to be reunited and looks forward to greeting bargain hunters.
“It is exciting. We’re glad to be back,” Falconer said. “The setup is going to be the same as it was pre-COVID. So, they’re going to find stuff under the parking deck, which is the furniture and some other items, stuff down the sidewalk, and in the gym.”
Trash and Treasure shopping will start at 8 a.m. There is no admission fee.
Donations in good condition will be accepted outside the gym beginning June 1. Items that cannot be accepted include encyclopedias, magazines, textbooks, armoires, mattresses and box springs, cribs, bed pillows, expired car seats, sofa beds, large TVs, tube TVs, pianos, and large appliances including refrigerators, washers, dryers, and dish washers.
For more information on volunteering or making donations please email Melanie Falconer at joeandmel@bellsouth.net.