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Local student named Presidential Scholar

John Carroll Catholic High School (JCCHS) student Stanley Stoutamire, Jr., was recently named a U.S. Presidential Scholar. The program administered by the U.S. Department of Education recognizes 161 high school seniors (two from each state and up to 20 at-large awards) for their accomplishments in academics, the arts, and career and technical education fields. This year's class of scholars is the 59th in the history of the program.

"Both John Carroll and Prince of Peace are so proud of Stanley, joining with his family and friends to congratulate him on this momentous achievement. Stanley is an exemplar of the benefits of Catholic educational priorities of forming the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. We are so excited to see what he does next," said JCCHS President Father Jon Chalmers.

Stoutamire is the son of Stanley and Clarissa Stoutamire of Calera. He is a member of Prince of Peace Catholic Church and attended Prince of Peace Catholic School (K-8th). He will be attending Princeton University in the fall.