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Local parish honors patroness

On Saturday, Nov. 23, the St. Cecilia Catholic parish community joined together to celebrate a special bilingual Mass honoring the parish’s patroness, St. Cecilia. The church was beautifully decorated, and a special place of honor was set up as a shrine to hold the statue of St. Cecilia. 

Father Antony Vadakara, pastor, incensed the altar before reading the Gospel and delivering a wonderful homily explaining the significance of Church patrons and their influence in the lives of a parish. During his homily, Father Vadakara also gave the history of St. Cecilia, who was a virgin martyr faithful to God her entire life. Although martyred by beheading, in her later life she worked to serve the poor. According to tradition, St. Cecilia "sang in her heart to the Lord" as the musicians played at her wedding; hence the belief that she is the patron saint of music.

The parish celebration was the first specially planned feast day celebration since the establishment of the parish. So many helped in preparation for this celebration including the Knights of Columbus, the Hispanic community, the Ladies Sodality, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, hospitality ministers, and musicians.