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Local Man Appointed as Lieutenant in Vatican Constituted Order

Fernando Cardinal Filoni, Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, together with the Grand Magisterium in Rome, recently announced the appointment of Joseph A. Marino as Lieutenant of the Southeastern Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

Joseph A. Marino is a lifelong member of the Cathedral of St. Paul, and for the past 30 years, he has served as head usher for the Cathedral. He has been a member of the Equestrian Order for 18 years and has obtained the rank of Knight of Grand Cross. During his involvement with the Order, he has served in many capacities, fulfilling the vows he made as a member of the Order to seek holiness, to support the Holy Father, and to support the continuing work of the Order’s mission to help in the Holy Land, protecting sites and promoting peace in the land where our Lord lived, died, was buried, and, as our faith so clearly states, rose again.

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre traces its roots to the first crusades circa 1099. Its name expresses its extraordinary mandate – to protect the site where our Lord was buried for three days – The Holy Sepulchre. The Order is canonically constituted by the Holy See and Pope Francis is ever vigilant in ordering its mission to the Universal Church.

In fulfilling its primary mandate, the Order is called to reinforce the practice of Christian life by its members, in absolute fidelity to the pope, and to sustain and assist religious, spiritual, and charitable works of the Church in the Holy Land. Today, the Order builds and supports universities, schools, housing, clinics, and orphanages in the Holy Land, even providing direct financial assistance to the Christians in the Holy Land while supporting the preservation of the holy sites and shrines.

Lieutenant Marino will be responsible for the manegerial, administrative, charitable, and social functions of the Southeastern Lieutenancy, which comprises Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. He states that his aspirations “include further enhancement of personal sanctification of its membership, increased involvement of its members, and continued charitable donations to the many organizations it is already supporting in the Holy Land.” He remarked, “I am honored and humbled by this appointment and pray that God will continue to give me guidance in this important mission of the Church.”