His First, His Last, His Only
End-of-life conversion of Richard “Papa” Whatley
End-of-life conversion of Richard “Papa” Whatley
Having been blessed with the opportunity to share my conversion story for the first issue of the One Voice as a magazine, I consider myself honored to be able to share another man’s story of hope.
Having been blessed with the opportunity to share my conversion story for the first issue of the One Voice as a magazine, I consider myself honored to be able to share another man’s story of hope.
Richard “Papa” Whatley was born on June 4, 1944. As a young man, he married the love of his life, Gloria. The union would last for 54 years and produce two daughters, Wendy and Rebecca. Whatley served as a military policeman first class in the National Guard and worked for many years following his service to the country. While Whatley and his wife were not Catholic, their daughter Wendy had converted to the faith in 1989.
I first met Whatley as a patient in September of 2021 during COVID-19. We discussed life, Alabama/Michigan football, fishing, and God during his stay. Since hospital visitations were restricted, we often used a tablet or phone to communicate with his family and to send pictures of his progress, so they all would not lose hope. It was during this time that I also decided to share my conversion story with Whatley and his wife. I told them how the miraculous stories of Fatima, Portugal, renewed my faith and set a fire within me, even when I thought all hope was lost. I also shared with them how various EWTN shows and Catholic YouTube videos slowly evangelized me. After Whatley was discharged, I always hoped I had sown seeds of my faith well, but I could never have imagined what would transpire in the next several months of Whatley’s life.
After serving the morning Mass at EWTN’s Our Lady of the Angels Chapel on May 11 of last year, I was approached by Mark Renda, the husband of Whatley’s daughter, Wendy. To my surprise, he asked if I remembered his father-in-law. After saying yes, Renda began to tearfully explain how Whatley converted to Catholicism on his deathbed, precisely seven days before passing. Wanting to know more, I reached out to the family.
Renda and his wife explained that Whatley began to deteriorate after a fall at home. He was unable to stand or participate in physical therapy, which meant being in and out of nursing homes during the COVID-19 restrictions. “The facilities eventually gave me the freedom to go and come as needed,” remembers Whatley’s widow. “So, my daughter, Rebecca, said she would take care of our home while I stayed at the hospital, and the family would rotate sitting with him.” When it was time for Wendy to sit with her dad, she took the opportunity to share her faith. “He would allow me to read to him [the book] Mother Angelica on Suffering and Burnout,” she recalls. “We would pray together — not knowing what else to do because it was hard enough seeing him suffer through so much.”
The suffering took its toll, and Whatley expressed a strong desire to go home. His wife agreed to let him come home after months in several nursing homes, but the family found that caring for a loved one at home can sometimes become complicated. They often had to rely on the fire department and others for help in moving their beloved patriarch, yet even in the midst of great suffering, the family never lost their faith, constantly praying to God for comfort and peace. One day, the Rendas took a chance. Being involved with the Lay Missionaries of EWTN, the couple reached out to Father Joseph Mary Wolfe, M.F.V.A., the chaplain for EWTN, asking him to come pray with Whatley.
On Feb. 6, 2022, Father Wolfe fulfilled the Rendas’ request. “My mother asked Father Joseph if my dad could be anointed,” shares Wendy Renda, “but Father Joseph replied he could not because dad was not Catholic. [Instead], Father Joseph blessed my dad and prayed with my mother.” After the blessing, the priest was about to leave, but something stopped him. “As Father Joseph was leaving,” recollects Mark Renda, “Papa Whatley looked, pointed at Father Joseph, and said, ‘I need to have a private word with you.’” Those words prompted the priest to shout, “Clear the room!”
Looking back at the encounter, Father Joseph recalls, “I didn’t know that Brent had prepared the way, and to my surprise, he wanted to become Catholic before he died.” He had been baptized, so Father Wolfe heard Whatley’s confession. The priest then went to announce the good news to the family. In total amazement of what was transpiring, the family watched as Father Wolfe administered the sacrament of anointing of the sick and gave Whatley his first Holy Communion. Realizing that he didn’t have the sacred chrism oil for confirmation, the priest drove a half hour back to the friary to collect the oil necessary for the sacrament. Again with the family present, Whatley was confirmed and brought into full communion with the Catholic Church. A “glow” came upon Whatley. While he said he felt strange, his family observed a peacefulness about him.
Afterwards, Father Wolfe contacted Holy Infant of Prague Catholic Church in Trussville, the Rendas’ parish, in order to have the sacraments recorded. A week later on Feb. 13, 2022, Father Wolfe wanted to offer the Blessed Sacrament to the new Catholic. When he arrived, Whatley’s wife opened the door and informed the priest of her husband’s death upon his arrival. “It was a miracle when Father Joseph arrived at their door,” she remembers. Since he had just passed, the priest was able to perform the prayer for the dead and “do all the things priests will do, even the commendation and Apostolic Pardon.” Father Wolfe also celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial at Holy Infant of Prague.
“During my priesthood,” says Father Wolfe, “I have only experienced two deathbed conversions. They are rare, but it surely has been an adventure since joining the EWTN network in 1985. Watching EWTN grow to what it is now has strengthened my hope and faith in God's providence. Hearing stories like Whatley’s and Brent’s and why people were called to be a part of the network shows it is God's network.”
Despite not knowing what the future held, Whatley’s family had a deep hope and desire for healing and an expectation for something good, one way or the other. God was faithful, for He pulled Whatley into the Catholic Church through many vessels, healed him in death, and rewarded him with a new heavenly home. Remember, it is never too late, and never lose hope. Seek Him! He is waiting!