Her Choice Needs Your Help
Women’s Center to Hold Annual Fundraising Banquet
Women’s Center to Hold Annual Fundraising Banquet
Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center has been serving the downtown Birmingham community for many years, faithfully offering support and life-affirming options to women in crisis pregnancies. All are cordially invited to the center’s annual fundraising banquet on Tuesday, Oct. 26. The banquet will begin at 7 p.m. and take place at The Club, 1 Robert S. Smith Dr. in Birmingham. The keynote speaker will be Patricia Sandoval, international pro-life and chastity speaker.
Please, make your reservation now, consider hosting a table of eight, or make a life-saving donation. There is no cover charge to attend, but an appeal will be made to help support the center’s work of mercy and hope. Her Choice Birmingham Women's Center, the only pregnancy help center in Birmingham proper, exists to help women facing a crisis pregnancy to choose life and to help support them with that decision. Her Choice also offers post-abortion recovery services.
To register or donate, call 205-447-8796 or email hcbanquet@herchoicebirmingham.org.