Ever wondered what to get a priest for Christmas?
Many people wonder if they can or if they even should give their parish priest a Christmas card or gift. The answer, without hesitation, is yes! Something small and appropriate is always welcome and appreciated. Of course, many may be wondering, “What gift is considered small and appropriate?”
Many people wonder if they can or if they even should give their parish priest a Christmas card or gift. The answer, without hesitation, is yes! Something small and appropriate is always welcome and appreciated. Of course, many may be wondering, “What gift is considered small and appropriate?”
Most priests will tell you that the best thing you can do for them is to offer your prayers. Seriously consider making a firm commitment to pray for your priest and have everyone in your family do the same. You can choose a week and pray the Rosary for your priest each night. Write that prayer commitment down in a card or letter to give to your priest. Undoubtedly, our priests need our spiritual support, and your prayers will mean more to your priest than you realize.
If you enjoy writing, a thank you card or letter is another gift idea for priests. Thank a priest for his service, mentioning specific things you are grateful for — his being available for emergency calls, his willingness to hear confession outside of scheduled hours, his homilies, or his providing a good example for your children. If you have young children or grandchildren, encourage them to write their own note of thanks or to draw a picture of Father at Mass. While these gestures may seem too small, they come from the heart and show your gratitude for your priest’s spiritual fatherhood.
Not everyone loves to write, but many love to create in the kitchen. As the month of December progresses, parish rectories begin to resemble local bakeries, chock full of delicious home baked goods. If you love to cook, instead of something sweet, consider providing some frozen meals that your priest can enjoy once the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is over. To take things to the next level, contact your parish office to see if you can bring lunch for the staff on a busy day before or after Christmas.
Assuredly, our priests have their favorite rosary, Catholic statue, and artwork, but they may have their eye on a particular theology book, sacramental, or religious item that they want either for themselves or for the parish. If you don’t know exactly what that item or items may be, consider purchasing a gift card to a local Catholic store, such as Alpha Church Supply in Birmingham, or an online Catholic church supply store.
If monetary gifts are more your speed, you can also consider a donation to the Diocese of Birmingham’s Seminarian Education Fund in your priest’s honor. Other ideas include donating to your local Catholic school, your local St. Vincent de Paul conference, a special cause or project at your parish, or your parish’s Youth Group program. The options are plentiful; just remember to think about what your priest has asked people to support and then follow through on his request.
There are also monetary gifts that can make his life easier — gas gift cards, gift certificates for a full car wash or oil change, grocery store gift cards. Most priests are also permitted to accept small cash gifts, but be sure to include a note stating it is a gift for him to use however he chooses. That note will ensure the gift is received as intended and is not mistaken as a donation for the parish, a Mass stipend, or other possible purpose.
Your priest will be grateful for any act of love, gratitude, thanksgiving, or support that you can offer him during the Advent and Christmas seasons. There are many different ways you can show your appreciation for your priest and his ministry. Think about the options, consider the priest, and find the best fit for your family. Above all else, pray for him!