Eucharistic Revival
Diocesan Family Festival a Success
Diocesan Family Festival a Success
Blue skies and a slight fall breeze graced all those who attended the first Diocesan Family Festival at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Oct. 22. The day started off with Mass celebrated by Bishop Raica, marking the feast of St. John Paul II.
Blue skies and a slight fall breeze graced all those who attended the first Diocesan Family Festival at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Oct. 22. The day started off with Mass celebrated by Bishop Raica, marking the feast of St. John Paul II.
During his homily, the bishop commented: “Our celebration of Mass this morning is followed by activities, games, food, and exhibits which help knit us together as a diocesan family. ... I thank you for this blessed opportunity to be together! We have come from parishes and institutions, from near and far to be united together in faith as we meet up with familiar faces from parishes and past events. Today, we also meet new friends who share our faith and values. Together, we proclaim one faith, one baptism, one hope, one Lord. We are one family united — on a journey toward a common destiny — to be one with Jesus for eternity! ... Throughout the festivities of today, may we grow in our faith to witness who we are as Catholics — people who love Jesus and the Church, the Body of Christ.”
After the Mass concluded, parishes and various groups held the festival of parish festivals while cultural and musical performances took place under the festival tent. Kids drained their energy at the kid zone before a relaxing hay ride to the pumpkin patch. The soccer tournament, which was a highlight throughout the festival, ended the day, with Christ the King winning and St. Stephen the Martyr taking second.
The event was part of the Diocese of Birmingham’s effort to partake in the diocesan phase of the National Eucharistic Revival. The United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has called for a Eucharistic Revival, a three-year “grass-roots revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.” Particularly right now, the bishops feel the Church in the United States needs healing, unity, formation, and conversion. The three years will culminate in the National Eucharistic Congress, the first in almost 50 years. The five-day event will be held in Indianapolis, starting on July 17, 2024. The mission of the revival is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. As Bishop Raica noted, “With minds and hearts renewed, we have a place where Christ can radiate in our lives. Make room for Christ, so your minds and hearts may be more conformed to His.”
For information about future Eucharistic Revival events, visit bhmdiocese.org.