Ensuring the Future Of The Church in Central And Northern Alabama
Daniel Sessions, a product of Catholic schools, entered seminary immediately following his graduation from John Carroll Catholic High School in Birmingham. On the walls of his room at the North American College in Rome are reminders from home — the state flag, photographs of family and friends, and small mementos from the Diocese of Birmingham. Although there are 5,139 miles, including an ocean, between Sessions and the Diocese of Birmingham, his love for the people of his diocese is well known around the seminary. The prayers of these very people have sustained him through his formation and studies for the past eight years. Keeping the faithful of the diocese close to his heart, he continues his discernment acutely aware of their support.
Daniel Sessions, a product of Catholic schools, entered seminary immediately following his graduation from John Carroll Catholic High School in Birmingham. On the walls of his room at the North American College in Rome are reminders from home — the state flag, photographs of family and friends, and small mementos from the Diocese of Birmingham. Although there are 5,139 miles, including an ocean, between Sessions and the Diocese of Birmingham, his love for the people of his diocese is well known around the seminary. The prayers of these very people have sustained him through his formation and studies for the past eight years. Keeping the faithful of the diocese close to his heart, he continues his discernment acutely aware of their support.
Sometimes overlooked, however, is the financial aspect of support offered by the faithful of the diocese. The diocesan Seminarian Education Fund along with Catholic Charities and Communities has enabled Sessions and other seminarians to remain in formation for the priesthood. Tuition and fees are similar to that of a private university, and the daily rigors of seminary life do not allow men to seek employment while in formation. Therefore, seminarians are completely dependent upon the diocese and the generosity of the laity. Catholic Charities and Communities fills a gap, offering a portion of the financial support necessary for seminarians to continue their studies.
In other words, the monetary support offered by Catholic Charities and Communities helps ensure the future of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.
To those sacrificing to educate our future priests, thank you!
Gifts and pledges to Catholic Charities and Communities can be made at any time online, by mail, or by dropping your pledge card in a parish collection. Please visit catholiccharitiesbhm.org for more information or to make your pledge or gift.