Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Birmingham to Hold Conference
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference of the Diocese of Birmingham is marking its 21st year. The conference will be held July 29 and 30 in the Family Life Center at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, 1728 Oxmoor Road in Homewood. The conference will feature Andi Oney as the main speaker along with Father Frankline Formukong, associate pastor at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, and Jackie Smoke, Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Birmingham board member. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Father Paul Asih, M.S.P., pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Bessemer, and by Father James Hedderman, pastor of Corpus Christi Church in Oneonta. The theme of the conference is “Thy Will Be Done.”
Through their Hope and Purpose Ministries, international teacher Andi Oney is a Catholic evangelist with her husband, Deacon Larry Oney. They live in New Orleans with their five children.
In 2013, Oney had a profound Upper Room experience as she prayed for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit with a gathering of Catholic Charismatic Renewal leaders from all over the world in Bethlehem, Israel. She knew the Lord wanted her to share the fire of the Holy Spirit that was ignited in her heart that day.
Oney led her first international retreat in Nova Scotia, Canada in April of 2016 and has since taught in Poland, Canada, and throughout the United States. She has also been part of a team that presents Life in the Spirit Seminars not only for seminarians at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans but also for the laity in Metairie and Covington, Louisiana. Oney is the associate executive director of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans and aims to continue to introduce the Holy Spirit to the world. She is the author of two books, Extravagant Praise and Mary’s Life in the Holy Spirit.
Registration for the conference is $25 for individuals and $65 for a family of 3 or more. Participants may attend any portion of the conference. Grants are available by contacting Sally Smith at 205-983-4150 or mustardsally14@gmail.com.
To register, visit www.catholiccharismaticrenewal.org. To register by mail, write to: CCROB, 1222 Hueytown Road, Hueytown, AL 35023. For further information, contact Sally Smith or Ray Makofsky at 205-999-8947 or earl.makofsky@gmail.com. Registration is also available at the door. Please join us and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in praising and worshiping the Lord. All are welcome.