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Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Birmingham to hold 23rd annual conference

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference of the Diocese of Birmingham will be held on July 26-27 in the Family Life Center at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Homewood. On Friday, doors open at 4 p.m. with praise and worship beginning at 5 p.m. On Saturday, doors open at 7:30 a.m. with praise and worship beginning at 8 a.m. The conference theme will be “Unity in the Body of Christ.” 

The main speaker will be Catholic lay evangelist, Richard Lane. Since 2005, Lane has traveled the world speaking at conferences, parish missions, and revivals. Through his ministry, he has spoken to tens of thousands of people, giving them help, hope, and inspiration. He has been featured numerous times on all major Catholic radio networks, including EWTN’s The Journey Home, as well as having produced and hosted his own EWTN miniseries entitled, “New Wine in New Wineskins.” Lane’s dynamic and charismatic style of ministry can set souls on fire with a new zeal for the Holy Spirit!

Other speakers include Father Frankline Fomukong, Sister Anne Marie Schreiner, Dan Gardner, and Amy Russo. Friday’s Mass will be celebrated by Father Vernon Hughley, and Saturday’s Mass will be celebrated by Father Paul Asih.

The registration fee for the conference is $30 for individuals and $85 for a family of 3 or more. For further information, please contact Sally Smith at 205-983-4150 or or Ray Makofsky at 205-999-8947 or To register, visit The church is located at 1728 Oxmoor Road.