Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Birmingham to hold 22nd annual conference
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference of the Diocese of Birmingham will be held on July 21 and 22 at John Carroll Catholic High School in Birmingham. The conference theme is “Victory in Jesus” and will feature Father James Blount as the main speaker along with Father Eric Gami, parochial vicar at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, and Teresa Ragusa, a miracle COVID-19 survivor. Father Blount is an internationally known healing ministry priest of the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity (SOLT) of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia. He is a very gifted spiritual director, confessor, and a bold charismatic preacher endowed and empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The registration fee for the conference is $25 for individuals and $65 for a family of 3 or more. For further information, please contact Sally Smith, 205-983-4150 or, or Ray Makofsky, 205-999-8947 or John Carroll Catholic is located at 300 Lakeshore Parkway. To register, visit Everyone is welcome to attend.