‘Be Still and Know That I Am God’
A Salvatorian Reflects on Over a Half Century of Religious Life
A Salvatorian Reflects on Over a Half Century of Religious Life
This year, I celebrated 48 years of priesthood and 53 years as a Salvatorian religious, but it certainly doesn’t feel that long. I have never had a bad assignment — each one has helped me to grow in some way, and I hope I have helped others to grow, as well.
This year, I celebrated 48 years of priesthood and 53 years as a Salvatorian religious, but it certainly doesn’t feel that long. I have never had a bad assignment — each one has helped me to grow in some way, and I hope I have helped others to grow, as well.
I entered the seminary after eighth grade, and toward the end of high school, I decided to join the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians). I was extremely happy as a religious; however, after my first year of college seminary, I felt I needed to step away from religious life to make sure this was the vocation for me. I got a job, went to night school, and thought that I was headed for life as a layperson. But God is full of surprises.
After a series of deep discussions, I asked to return to the Salvatorians. I asked God if He wanted me to pursue the priesthood, and I got my answer when the community sent me a letter inviting me back. On Oct. 11, 1969, I made my second first vows.
As a newly ordained priest, I was fortunate to teach high school. I have worked with Worldwide Marriage Encounter and had parish assignments in Wisconsin, Alabama, and Tennessee. I also served in several Salvatorian Community internal ministries. Today, I am pastor of St. Joseph parish and administrator of Holy Family School in Huntsville.
As I reflect on the vocation that God has given me, I am grateful to my parents, my family, and my friends who encouraged me and supported me every step of the way on this journey.
Father Joseph P. Lubrano, S.D.S. is pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Huntsville