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Alabama Knights on Bikes

Many Catholics in the Diocese of Birmingham are familiar with the Knights of Columbus. However, knowledge of the Alabama Knights on Bikes is not as common. The group consists of members of the Knights of Columbus who just so happen to enjoy motorcycling. They are self-described “men of faith in action who lead, serve, protect, defend, and pray.” The group’s aim is to support the Knights of Columbus’ principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism, participating in activities “on and off” their bikes.

In accordance with the Alabama Knights on Bikes handbook, the Alabama Knights of Columbus State Deputy has appointed John Blackburn of Ozark to serve as the Alabama Knights on Bikes State Chairman for the 2024-25 fraternal years. Also for the 2024-25 fraternal years, Dwayne Tippery was appointed to serve as the Alabama Knights on Bikes diocesan coordinator for the Archdiocese of Mobile, and Lee Donaldson was appointed to serve as the Alabama Knights on Bikes diocesan coordinator for the Diocese of Birmingham. The officers assumed their office on July 1.

Being a Knight on Bikes member does not preclude them from being an active member of their councils and assemblies. Rather, the group’s mission is to maintain and support the Knight of Columbus’ mission. They also seek to provide fellowship, brotherhood, and assistance to all its members while enjoying and promoting safety in motorcycle riding. The men respect, defend, and promote the dignity of human life by supporting pregnancy center support, marching to defend the unborn and their mothers, helping to end abortion, fundraising for a life-saving ultrasound machine, and escorting and supporting the travels of the “Silver Rose” as it travels throughout Alabama. The Silver Rose program is a pilgrimage along several routes from Canada to Mexico with numerous prayer services along the way promoting life.

Membership in the Alabama Knights on Bikes include being a member in good standing with the Knights of Columbus, owning a properly registered and licensed motorcycle (or planning to own one in six months), possessing a current driver’s license with a motorcycle endorsement and proof of insurance, being willing to participate in sanctioned Knights on Bikes events and programs, and completing the Alabama Knights on Bikes membership application.

The Alabama Knights on Bikes have participated in events both in Alabama and in Florida. The group held the first Pro-Life Ride at the recent state convention in April, provided an escort to the “Silver Rose” as it was transferred from the Florida Knights of Columbus to the Alabama Knights of Columbus, attended the Florida Knights on Bikes Rally in Panama City, Florida, Later this year, the group plans on attending the Diocese of Lafayette’s annual Fete-Dieu du Teche Eucharistic Procession. In October, following the Little Sisters of the Poor Lawn Party, the Alabama Knights on Bikes will celebrate their 1st Annual Blessing of the Bikes, followed by an evening ride to dinner.

If interested in joining, please contact State Chairman John Blackburn at, Dwayne Tippery at, or Lee Donaldson at More information can be found at